July 9, 2011

Malaysian Police Arrest Including Anwar Ibrahim

Malaysian Police Arrest Including Anwar Ibrahim: Latest News Armed police make arrests in the bells in Malaysia opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said on Tuesday, hours before the adoption of an arrest warrant on charges of sodomyNow, two weeks after a year-23 complained to the police that the sexual relationship with former deputy political tensions in Malaysia, Stoke.

Tonight, after eight hours of interrogation, Anwar was in a hospital for tests after sending custodyAnwar, 60, who has led the successful resistance against the rebels in the general elections of March unprecedented, said the allegations are "dangerous" and production continues to undermine their treatment.

The allegations are alarming echoes of the decision by the cost of natural mating with a dozen years ago, when he received six years in prison. It was rejected by the government. However, the Supreme Court of Malaysia has been approved and launched in 2004.

Arrested in 1998 led to demonstrations. Today, hundreds of supporters at the police station to place collected, but the winner.

"This is not a crime. But the policy of" Azmina Ali, vice president of the Party of Justice Anwar said the arrests were "disgusting."

Anwar returned to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia's administrative capital, Putrajaya, stopped when his car near his house. Was taken from his car into a police car with the windows and in shipbuilding.

His wife, Azizah Ismail, said. "I feel bad because my husband ... I'm not as bad as he says ... ..." Anwar was at the head of the police after his arrest, beaten 10 years ago.and appeared in court to face the consequences of violence.

No official cost has been established and that the police can take up to 14 days without charge. But his former lawyer, Nair said he expects Anwar nor the law that makes sexual nature - and adults - a prison sentence of 20 years.

"There is a reason for all this production is not malicious," Anwar said, before he was arrested. "This is a situation repeated in 1998, is a model ..".

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